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. Saturday, December 27, 2008
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The Authors
Nikko's Notes is written by me, and my 2 month old Yorkie Poo/ Chihuahua . We love hip new, innovative products and well-designed traditional products. Nikko loves cookies , stuffed toys, chew toys , and warm fuzzy blankets.

The Blog
Nikko's note's is a assortment of dog items and information found online while searching for doggie goodies for Nikko. The blog is generally updated on a daily basis for or dog loving readers !

The Products
The products are chosen at my (and Nikko's') discretion and there is no pay-for-play. If you'd like to send us samples of your products, Nikko would be more than happy to test them (especially if your product is dog treats). If we like it, we post it! Any item that Nikko personally tests and deems worthy is branded "Nikko Approved" . Please note that we cannot return items and there is no implied guarantee that a submitted product will be featured on Nikko's Notes. For information on how to send product samples, please contact me at:


Note : The no guarantee refers to things that are sent when there is a list of things waiting to be reviewed. Mostly everything will get reviewed in a timely manner !!

Submit a Product

Have you found a doggy product you'd like to see featured here? Please email the link to:


Do you have a doggy product you'd like to advertise? Please contact me at:

The Disclaimer

Nikko's Notes does not vouch for the accuracy of information provided by the sites we link to, or the services they provide. If you have questions regarding a particular vendor, please direct your inquiries to that vendor.